Game of Life on Global Day of Coderetreat 2014

Last Saturday I took part in the Global Day of Coderetreat 2014 (GDCR2014) in Aspect Capital, London. GDCR is an amazing event organised every year since last 6 years. This year it was organised in 44 countries, 141 cities with about 2500 developers participating.

Long story short – on GDCR there is a simple programming problem to solve: Conway’s Game of Life. The aim is to learn as much as possible and not necessarily solve the problem. To achieve this aim there is 6 pair programming (and TDD) sessions. To make things even more interesting, each session had a different additional constrains and you should pair program with someone else. After each session you remove all you have done so far and start the next one from scratch.

I have never solved the whole problem during the sessions, but I feel, I have learn a lot anyway. The day after the GDCR I have decided I want to finish the task and implement the complete solution for Conway’s Game of Life and so I did.

My solution is available on Github. It is implemented in Scala. There is also small bonus as I have integrated the solution with the GUI implemented in Swing by other GDCR2014 attendee.


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